Κατηγορία :
Επαγγελματικές Υπηρεσίες
Website : https://strimmenos.gr/
Τηλέφωνο : 2299066915
FAX : 2299042718
Διεύθυνση : Τέρμα Λυκούργου, Τ.Θ. 4781
Περιοχή : Κερατέα
Τ.Κ. : 19001
Through our online store, you can buy the new or used professional equipment in a unique quality that meets the needs of your business. Through selected items we give you the opportunity to make your purchases quickly and easily. Navigate to the wide range of our products and find the equipment that will complete your business, giving the necessary solutions for its improvement and development. Choose from a wide variety of stainless steel constructions to commercial refrigeration.
Only in Strimmenos.gr you can find professional equipment at low prices that make the difference , respecting all the necessary specifications . We serve all over Greece and facilitate distance shipping.